
最近、ジャクエツの「RESILIENCE PLAYGROUND」プロジェクトがグッドデザイン大賞を受賞したという素晴らしいニュースを目にしました。特に、「障害の有無に関係なく、誰もが楽しめる遊具」というコンセプトがとても印象的です。「遊ぶ」という単純な行為が、実は感情の豊かさやつながりを育む重要な土台であることを再認識させられました。この取り組みは、消費者として見ると「よくここまで考え抜かれたな」と感動します。一方で、作り手の視点に立つと、「もっと違う広がり方もあるのでは?」と新しい問いを投げかけたくなります。





I recently came across the wonderful news that Jaketsu’s “RESILIENCE PLAYGROUND” project received the Good Design Grand Award. What struck me the most was its concept of creating playground equipment that everyone, regardless of ability, can enjoy. It reminded me that the simple act of “play” forms a crucial foundation for fostering emotional richness and connections. As a consumer, I am deeply moved by how thoroughly this concept has been thought through. On the other hand, as a creator, I can’t help but wonder, “Could there be other ways to expand this idea further?”

The inspiration we draw from this example lies in the universality and flexibility of design. Although an integral part of daily life, this project creates a structure where everyone can find “meaning” and “joy.” For instance, could this design philosophy extend beyond playground equipment to urban planning or public spaces? Imagine a community where the entire region becomes a “comfortably swaying place,” fostering a shared vision of well-being.

Focusing on the experience of “swaying” itself reveals even more possibilities for application in other fields, such as furniture for offices or schools. The rhythm and sense of comfort brought by swaying have a calming effect on our senses. For example, introducing a space like “KOMORI” into high-pressure environments such as meeting rooms might cultivate new forms of communication by calming the mind. By inserting a touch of “playfulness” into unexpected places, everyday life might feel just a bit brighter.

Jaketsu’s efforts exemplify how design can address societal challenges with creativity and innovation. At the same time, this case inspires us to explore new possibilities. Design is something completed by its audience, which is why, as creators, we bear the responsibility of shaping unseen possibilities into reality.

“Design for everyone, everywhere, at any time.” Based on this universal perspective, let’s envision new projects together. We want to create that future with you.