先日、前澤友作さんが限定生産のメルセデスベンツ『AMG ONE』を納車されたというニュースを目にしました。その価格や希少性もさることながら、私が特に注目したのは、車そのものが持つ『物語性』です。この話題は、私たちが未来のビジネスやプロジェクトを設計する上で大切な視点を教えてくれました。
『AMG ONE』のニュースは、私にとって改めて『物語をデザインすることの大切さ』を教えてくれました。私たちも、自らが取り組む一つひとつのプロジェクトに、そんな物語を込めていきたいと思います。そして、それが関わるすべての人にとって新たな価値となり、未来を切り開く力になると信じています。
The other day, I came across the news that Yusaku Maezawa had taken delivery of the limited-production Mercedes-Benz AMG ONE. While its price and rarity are certainly remarkable, what caught my attention the most was the “story” embedded within the car itself. This topic has provided valuable insights into how we should approach designing future businesses and projects.
The car Maezawa purchased took seven years to produce. It embodies an extraordinary level of craftsmanship, from the meticulous painting of its emblem—layered over 20 times—to the finest details that elevate it beyond a mere mode of transportation. These elements transform the car into something that exudes a sense of “one-of-a-kind value.”
The same principle applies to the projects we undertake. Simply incorporating the latest technology does not guarantee something that resonates with people. Instead, the real key lies in how we can infuse a compelling story into our work—what cultures and values we can integrate. This mindset is particularly crucial for those of us working with AI and digital technologies.
What struck me most about this news was the “weight of the process.” The reason Maezawa’s car resonates with so many is not just its high price tag. Rather, people find value in the seven years of dedication, in the expertise of the master artisans who poured their skills into its creation.
In our own projects, we must avoid prioritizing speed above all else. Instead of focusing solely on technology and efficiency, we should ensure that the process itself carries a sense of humanity and cultural depth. This is the true secret to creating products and services that are cherished over the long term.
The news of the AMG ONE reminded me once again of the importance of “designing a story.” I want to instill that same sense of narrative in each project we undertake, ensuring that it becomes a source of new value for everyone involved and a driving force that shapes the future.