




The “ZET-valley concept” promoted by Kyoto Prefecture and the initiatives supporting it through “ZET-college” are incredibly inspiring. The way companies and researchers at the forefront of CO₂ recycling technologies come together to explore the potential for practical implementation feels like a powerful step toward shaping the future. In particular, the membrane technology of OOYOO Corporation and the biotechnology of Symbiobe Corporation are deeply moving as they directly confront the planet’s challenges through the power of science. Viewing these efforts as a consumer certainly gives a sense of hope. However, from the perspective of a creator, a question arises: “What new value can we bring out of this?”

For instance, as CO₂ recycling technologies become more widespread, cities and companies may begin leveraging them to launch unique projects. If it were us, we would start thinking about designing “region-specific CO₂ recycling models” that leverage these technologies. By customizing the applications and targets of CO₂ recycling to align with the unique industries and cultures of different regions, the technology could become more easily embraced.

Take, for example, the idea of replacing certain materials used in traditional crafts with new ones created through CO₂ recycling technologies. Alternatively, we could envision offering experiential programs in local educational settings where children learn about CO₂ recycling technologies and create small products with their own hands. Such ideas have the potential to not only disseminate the technology but also transform the lives and awareness of the people in these regions.

The “ZET-college” initiative is focused on realizing a decarbonized society from a broad perspective. When combined with the “perspective-shifting power” that a company like ours, Sosha, possesses, I believe we can create an even more unique and diverse future. Would you join us in exploring these untapped possibilities while sharing this vision?