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What struck me most in the article was that it was not merely pessimistic. Rather, it highlighted the divisions and contradictions in modern society, urging us to build new social models. It is not just about the collapse of bubbles or capitalism—our entire society is now being forced to change. In such a time, I strongly feel that our role is more crucial than ever.

One particularly memorable part of the article was about the transformation of the automobile industry. As well-established manufacturers struggle to find ways to survive, I believe it is urgent to explore new economic and social models that leverage regional characteristics and local strengths. In our project, we aim to integrate AI with human capabilities, utilizing the unique strengths of each region to build the foundation for a next-generation self-sustaining society.

Additionally, the article touched on corporate arrogance and social division—issues that directly align with the core challenges of our project. I am convinced that fostering dialogue and acting as a bridge to help people find common goals will be a key theme in shaping the future society.

What I value most in our project is “taking immediate action on what we can do now while doing our best with the future changes in mind.” In particular, developing frameworks for human-AI coexistence and ideas for regional revitalization reflect the sense of urgency I felt from the article. There are many challenges ahead, but through these efforts, I hope to take steady steps toward shaping a new society.

The future is unpredictable, but the way we act will greatly influence its course. Inspired by the insights from the article, I will continue striving to understand the problems of modern society accurately and take on the challenge of creating new value from them. Will you take the first step with me in building our future together?